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Ambassadors Of Safety
Safety Ambassadors Safety should be deeply ingrained in our hearts as a virtue, moral value
Nairobi Safety Shop is the largest supplier of Safety, Security and Health equipment in Africa providing all necessary equipment, systems and supplies. We are supplier of safety products, equipment and signage, including warning signs, lights, barriers, guards, protective clothing and boots.Our shop has hit great search on the globe due to wide products range. Its a one stop shop. Shopping has never been this easy, with few clicks you have your order serviced and delivered. Nairobi safety shop, we deliver at your door-step.
Nairobi Safety Shop Ltd provides high-quality products and services. We protect our customers’ lives, staff and property; they are confident that they are in safe hands
We ensure our customers are legally compliant, and we always give clear and justified reasons for our recommendations in line with the set standards
Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and blog posts to receive safety tips right in your mail box. We don not spam your email, see our privacy policy
Safety Ambassadors Safety should be deeply ingrained in our hearts as a virtue, moral value
Safety is both an individual and collective responsibility. Millions of people die globally due to
Nairobi Safety Shop is one of the largest one stop safety shop in the region
Nairobi Safety Shop is the largest supplier of Safety, Security and Health equipment in Africa providing all necessary equipment, systems and supplies. We are supplier of safety products, equipment and signage, including warning signs, lights, barriers, guards, protective clothing and boots. Shopping has never been this easy, with few clicks you have your order serviced and delivered. Nairobi safety shop, we deliver at your door-step
Pursuit to outbreak of COVID-19 disease in Kenya and in compliance with MoH in Kenya, Nairobi Safety Shop Limited wishes to reiterate our commitment in ensuring safety for all. Its on this domain that we advise our clients to ensure they maintain social distancing, wash hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds , sanitize with alcohol based sanitizers and where possible stay at home. While visiting our stores note all clients are advised to fully maintain social distancing failure to which they will not be served.
We also wish to notify our clients that we have fully partnered with WHO ,MoH and other stake holders to supply quality and appropriate PPE’s and other Safety Supplies and offering necessary safety advise to our clients. Therefore we remain open until further communicated. Our offices and stores/shop remain be opened Monday to Saturday from 8:30am to 3:30pm. Thank you and stay safe.