Large Mountable First Aid Room cabinet


Out of stock

Large Mountable First Aid Room cabinet ideal for a First Aid room, School, Construction Site.
1. Empty is Ksh 8, 500
2. Stocked is Ksh 15, 500
3. Can be installed with your specific items. The rate depends on the contents.


1.CPR Mouth Piece2 pcs
2.Thermometer1 Pc
3.Metal scissors/Trauma shears1 Pc
4.Metal forceps1 Pc
5.Safety Pins10 Pcs
6.Tourniquet1 Pc
7.Thermal Emergency Blanket1 Pc
8.Latex Examination Gloves – 100pcs1 packet
9.Alcohol Pre-Pads100 Pcs
10.Factory Eye drop1 pc
11.Triangular Bandages6 Pcs
12.400gm Cotton wool1 Pc
13.Sterile Eye Pads6 Pcs
14.Hypoallergenic Tape/Adhesive Bandage2 Pcs
15.Crepe Bandages6 Pcs
16.Sterile Gauze Swabs8 Pcs
17.Standard Sterile Wound Dressing No. 8/First Aid Dressing8Pcs
18.Adhesive Wound Dressing100 Pcs
19.Farm Liniment1 Pc
20.Deep freeze 150ml1 Pc
21.Kidney Dish/Gallipot1 pc
22.Antihistamine Cream1 Pc
23.Surgical Spirit – 500ml1 pc
24.Normal Saline – 500ml1 pc
25Tincture of Iodine1 pc
26.W.O.W Bandage1 pkt
27.35mg Deep Heat Rub1 pc
28.Face Mask/Surgical Mask1 Pc
29.Kidney Dish1 Pc
30.Pocket Tissue/Hankies1 Pc
31.Note Pad1 pc
32.Pencil1 pc
33.Basic First aid Instruction sheet1 pc
34.Large White Cabinet with High visibility sticker1 pc



Large Mountable First Aid Room cabinet




Pursuit to outbreak of COVID-19 disease in Kenya and in compliance with MoH in Kenya, Nairobi Safety Shop Limited wishes to reiterate  our commitment in ensuring safety for all. Its on this domain that we advise our clients to ensure they  maintain social distancing, wash hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds , sanitize with alcohol based sanitizers and where possible stay at home. While visiting our stores note all clients are advised to fully maintain social distancing failure to which they will not be served.

We also wish to notify our clients that we have fully partnered with WHO ,MoH   and other stake holders to supply quality and appropriate PPE’s  and other Safety Supplies and offering necessary safety advise to our clients. Therefore we remain open until further communicated. Our offices and stores/shop remain be opened Monday to Saturday from 8:30am to 3:30pm. Thank you and stay safe.